Joseph A. Kunc

ImageProfessor Emeritus of Astronautics, Aerospace Engineering, Physics and Astronomy


Phone Number: (213)-821-5817

Research Interests: Atomic and molecular interactions, transport of particles and radiation in non-equilibrium gases and plasmas, molecular dynamics, classical and statistical thermodynamics.

Research and Teaching



D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, “Dissociation and Ionization of Methane Molecule by Non-relativistic Electrons, Including the Near Threshold Region”, Journal of Applied Physics 103, 64906 (2008).

J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Probabilities for Low-Energy, Small-Angle Scattering in Collisions of Neutral Particles”, Physical Review A 74, 442715 (2006).

D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Electron-Impact Dissociation of the Methane Molecule into Neutral Fragments”, Physical Review A 72, 52719 (2005).

M. Gruntman, R.F. Brodsky, D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Astronautics Degrees for Space Industry”, Advances in Space Research 34, 2159, (2004).

D.A. Erwin and J. A. Kunc, ‘‘Ionization of Excited Xenon Atoms by Electrons”, Physical Review A 70, 22705 (2004).

H.K. Cheng, J.A. Kunc and J.R. Edwards, ‘‘Sonic Boom Excited Sediment Waves”, Canadian Acoustics 31 (4), 5 (2003).

D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Ionization of Heavy Rare Gas Atoms by Low-Energy Electrons”, Journal of Physics B 36, 4605 (2003).

J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Rotational Statistics and Thermodynamic Functions of Hydrogen Peroxide”, Molecular Physics 101, 413 (2003).

E.I. Dashevskaya, J.A. Kunc, E.E. Nikitin and I. Oref, ‘‘Two-Channel Vibrational Relaxation of H2 by He: A Bridge between the Landau-Teller and Bethe-Wigner Limits”, Journal of Chemical Physics 118, 3141 (2003).

J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Single versus Double Ionization of Multi-electron Atoms by Electrons”, Physical Review A 62, 62713 (2000).

M. Gryzinski and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Differential Scattering of Electrons from Atoms and Molecules”, Journal of Physics B 33, 1549 (2000).

J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Low-Energy Electron-Atom Scattering in a Field of Model Potentials”, Journal of Physics B 32, 607, (1999).

M. Gryzinski and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Double Ionization of Atoms by Electrons”, Journal of Physics B 32, 5789 (1999).

F. Gordillo-Vazquez and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Statistical Mechanical Calculations of Thermal Properties of Diatomic Gases”, Journal of Applied Physics 84, 4693 (1999).

F. Gordillo-Vazquez and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘High-Accuracy Expressions for Rotational-Vibrational Energies of O_2, N_2, NO and CO Molecules”, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 12, 52 (1998).

J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Transport Integrals Omega (l,s) for Binary Collisions of Open-Shell Atoms with Uncertain Interaction Potentials”, Physical Review E 58, 4960 (1998).

L. Kaledin, R. Holbrook and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Thermal Composition of DyF-, HoF-, and TmF-based Gases”, Journal of Applied Physics 83, 3499 (1998).

F. Gordillo-Vazquez and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Radial Probability Distributions of Atoms in Diatomic Molecules Represented by Rotating Morse and Tietz-Hua Oscillators”, Journal of Molecular Structure 425, 263 (1998).

Yu.E. Gorbachev, F. Gordillo-Vazquez and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Diameters of Rotationally and Vibrationally Excited Diatomic Molecules”, Physica A 247, 108 (1998).

J.A. Kunc and F. Gordillo-Vazquez, ‘‘Rotational-Vibrational Levels of Diatomic Molecules Represented by the Tietz-Hua Oscillator”, Journal of Physical Chemistry 101, 1595 (1997).

J.A. Kunc, ‘‘General Relationship Between the Scattering Angle and the Impact Parameter in Collisions Driven by Repulsive Potentials”, Journal of Physics D 30, 1334 (1997).

F. Gordillo-Vazquez and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Diagnostics of Plasmas with Substantial Concentrations of Atomic Oxygen - I”, Physical Review E 51, 6010 (1995).

F. Gordillo-Vazquez and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Diagnostics of Plasmas with Substantial Concentrations of Atomic Oxygen - II”, Physical Review E 52, 561 (1995).

J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Impact of Dissociation on Viscosity of Gases”, Physics of Plasmas 2, 4355 (1995).

J.A. Kunc, D. Hash and H. Hassan, ‘‘The GHS Interaction Model for Strong Attractive Potentials”, Physics of Fluids 7, 1173 (1995).

J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Ionization of Muonic Atoms by Nonrelativistic Electrons - I”, Physical Review A 49, 338 (1994).

R. Holbrook and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Impact of Dissociation and Ionization on Properties of Iodine Vapor”, Physics of Plasmas 1, 1075 (1994).

J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Analytical Dependence of the Viscosity Cross Sections and Viscosity Coefficients on Parameters of Intermolecular Potentials”, Journal of Chemical Physics 99, 4705 (1993).

E.P. Muntz, G. Shiflett, D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Transient Energy-Release Pressure Driven Microdevices”, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 1, 155 (1993).

R. Holbrook, L. Kaledin and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Partition Functions of Rare-Earth Halide Plasmas”, Physical Review E 47, 1285 (1993).

J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Dissociation of Molecules in Dense Gases”, Physical Review A 45, 7851 (1992).

J.A. Kunc and W.H. Soon, ‘‘Maximum Principal Quantum Numbers of the Atomic Hydrogen in the Solar Chromosphere and Photosphere”, Astrophysical Journal 396, 364 (1992).

W.H. Soon and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Kinetics and Continuum Emission of Negative Atomic Ions in Partially Ionized Plasmas”, Physical Review A 43, 723 (1991).

S. Kang and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Molecular Diameters in High-Temperature Gases”, Journal of Physical Chemistry 95, 6971 (1991).

J.A. Kunc and W.H. Soon, ‘‘Analytical Ionization Cross Sections for Atomic Collisions”, Journal of Chemical Physics 95, 5738 (1991).

J.A. Kunc and W.H. Soon, ‘‘Electron Boltzmann Equation in Non-Thermal Plasmas”, Physical Review A 43, 4409 (1991).

J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Vibration-Translation Exchange in Diatom-Diatom Collisions”, Journal of Physics B 24, 3741 (1991).

S. Kang and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Viscosity of Hot Iodine”, Physical Review A 44, 3596 (1991).

W.H. Soon and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Thermal Non-Equilibrium in Partially-Ionized Atomic Oxygen”, Physical Review A 41, 825 (1990).

W.H. Soon and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘The Nitrogen Plasma Continuum Emission Associated With N-3P and N-1D Ions”, Physical Review A 41, 4531 (1990).

W.H. Soon and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Radiation of Partially Ionized Atomic Hydrogen”, Physics of Fluids B 2, 2833 (1990).

J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Central-Force Potentials for Interaction of Rotationally and Vibrationally Excited Molecules”, Journal of Physics B 23, 2553 (1990).

J.A. Kunc and W.-H. Soon, ‘‘Collisional-Radiative Non-Equilibrium in Partially-Ionized Atomic Nitrogen”, Physical Review A 40, 5822 (1989).

C.G. Braun and J.A. Kunc, ‘‘Atom-Atom Inelastic Collisions and Three-Body Atomic Recombination in Weakly Ionized Plasmas”, Physics of Fluids B 1, 258 (1989).

J.A. Kunc, “Energy Loss of Fast Non-Thermal Electrons in Plasmas”, Physical Review A 40, 1507 (1989).

C.G. Braun and J.A. Kunc, “An Analytical Solution of a Collisional-Radiative Model for Non-Equilibrium Argon Plasmas”, Physics of Fluids 31, 671 (1988).

D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, “Transport of Low- and Medium-Energy Electron and Ion Beams in Seawater and its Vapors”, Physical Review A 38, 4135 (1988).

J.A. Kunc, “Quantum-Classical Electron Distributions in Atoms and Atomic Ions”, Journal of Physics B 21, 3619 (1988).

J.A. Kunc, “Determination of electron density and temperature in non-LTE plasmas from spectral lines of impurity ions", Journal of Applied Physics 63, 656 (1988).

J.A. Kunc, “Analytical differential cross section for ion-atom high-energy elastic scattering", Fizika 20, 153 (1988).

D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, “Electron Temperature and Ionization Degree Dependence of the Electrical Conductivity in Diatomic Gases”, Physics of Fluids 30, 919 (1987).

C.G. Braun and J. A. Kunc, “Collisional-Radiative Coefficients in Three-Level Atomic Model in Non-Equilibrium Argon Plasmas”, Physics of Fluids 30, 499 (1987).

J.A. Kunc, “Role of Neutral-Neutral Inelastic Collisions in Two-Temperature Non-Equilibrium Plasmas”, Physics of Fluids 30, 2255 (1987).

M. Gryzinski and J.A. Kunc, “Collisional Ionization and the Atomic Model”, Journal of Physics B 19, 2479 (1986).

D.A. Erwin, J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, “Determination of Electric Field and Electron Temperature in the Positive Column of a High-Power Hydrogen Thyratron from Non-Intrusive Measurements”, Applied Physics Letters 48, 1727 (1986).

D.A. Erwin and J. A. Kunc, “Scalar DC Electrical Conductivity of Partially Ionized Gases”, Computer Physics Communications 42, 119 (1986).

D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, “Te- and x-Dependence of Electron Transport Coefficients in Monatomic Gases”, Physics of Fluids 28, 3349 (1985).

J.A. Kunc and D.E. Shemansky, “The Potential Curve of the He-Alpha-Quartz Surface Interaction”, Surface Science 163, 237 (1985).

J.A. Kunc, “Contribution of Dissociative Processes to Production of Atomic Lines in Hydrogen Plasmas”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 33, 1 (1985).

S. Guha, C.G. Braun, J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, “Thyratron Operation Using Helium for High-Power Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 31, 992 (1984).

S.D. Askew and J.A. Kunc, “Role of Solar Electrons in Ionization of the Interstellar Medium”, Planetary and Space Science 32, 779 (1984).

S. Guha, J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, “Optical Quenching Involving Metastable and Dissociative States in Hydrogen”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 20, 504 (1984).

J.A. Kunc, “Stepwise Ionization in Non-Equilibrium, Steady-State Hydrogen Plasma”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 32, 311 (1984).

J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, “Modelling of Plasma Devices for Pulsed Power”, Applied Physics Letters 45, 31 (1984).

J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, “H+, H_2+, and H_3+ Ion Densities in a Hydrogen Glow Discharge”, Physics of Fluids 27, 2862 (1984).

J.A. Kunc, “Conductivity of Ionized Gases in Quasi-Static Electric Fields”, Physics of Fluids 27, 2859 (1984).

J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, “Fundamental Theory for High-Power Thyratrons II: The Production of Atoms”, Lasers and Particle Beams 1, 407 (1983).

J.A. Kunc, S. Guha and M.A. Gundersen, “Fundamental Theory for High-Power Thyratrons I: The Electron Temperature”, Lasers and Particle Beams 1, 395 (1983).

J.A. Kunc, D.E. Shemansky and M. A. Gundersen, “Fundamental Theory of High-Power Thyratrons III: The Production of Radiation”, Lasers and Particle Beams 2, 129 (1984).

J.A. Kunc, “Exponential Approximation of the Modified Bessel Function”, Applied Optics 22, 382 (1983).

J.A. Kunc, “An Analysis of the Asymmetric Part of Electron-Electron Boltzmann Integral”, Journal of Applied Physics 54, 3788 (1983).

J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, “Scalar Transport Coefficients in Steady-State Thyratron Discharge”, Journal of Applied Physics 54, 2761 (1983).

D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, “Rate Coefficients for Some Collisional Processes in High-Current Hydrogen Discharges”, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science PS-11, 266 (1983).

J.A. Kunc, F. Wu and D.L. Judge, “Heating of Interstellar Medium by the Solar Wind”, Planetary and Space Science 31, 1157 (1983).

J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, “Plasma Parameters Characteristic of Hydrogen Thyratrons under Steady-State”, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science PS-10, 315 (1982).

J.A. Kunc, “Efficiency of Electron and Ion-Impact Processes in Electronegative Oxygen”, Journal of Mass Spectroscopy and Ion Physics 42, 295 (1982).

J.A. Kunc, “Electron-Impact Ionization Rates for Excited Atoms and Ions”, Journal of Mass Spectroscopy and Ion Physics 40, 43 (1981).

J.A. Kunc and D.E. Shemansky, “The Interaction of Helium with Alpha-Quartz”, Journal of Chemical Physics 75, 2406 (1981).

J.A. Kunc, “Electron-Capture Cross-Sections for Some Astrophysical Processes”, Geophysical Research Letters 8, 177 (1981).

J.A. Kunc, “Survival Probabilities for Interstellar Hydrogen Flowing into the Interplanetary System from Far Regions of the Heliosphere”, Planetary and Space Science 28, 815 (1980).

J.A. Kunc, “Electron Ionization Cross-Sections of the Excited Atoms and Ions”, Journal of Physics B 13, 587 (1980).

J.A. Kunc, “B.E.A. Collisions in the Atomic Structures”, Journal of Physics B 12, 241 (1979).

J.A. Kunc, “Ionization Cross-Sections and Rate Coefficients in Partially-Ionized Gas”, Physics Letters 70A, 12 (1979).

J.A. Kunc and M. Zgorzelski, “Collisional Transition Probabilities for Alkali Metals”, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 19, 1 (1977).

J.A. Kunc and M. Zgorzelski, “Collisional Transition Probabilities for Atomic Hydrogen”, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 15, 543 (1975).

M. Gryzinski, J.A. Kunc and M. Zgorzelski, “Three-Body Analysis of Electron-Hydrogen Atom Collision”, Journal of Physics B 6, 2292 (1973).

M. Gryzinski, J.A. Kunc and M. Zgorzelski, “Ionization of Atomic Hydrogen by Electron Impact”, Physics Letters 38A, 35 (1972).



M. Gruntman, R. Brodsky, D. Erwin, J.A. Kunc, "Workforce Development for the Space Industry", 4th World Space Congress, Long Beach, 2004.

M. Gruntman, R. F. Brodsky, D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, "Advanced Degrees in Astronautics Through Distance Learning", 2nd World Space Congress, Houston, 2002.

J.A. Kunc, "Particle-particle Interactions with High Reaction Probability", 34th Thermophysics Conference, Anaheim 2001.

M. Gruntman, R. Brodsky, D. Erwin, J.A. Kunc and E.P. Muntz, "USC Astronautics Program", 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, 2000.

J.A. Kunc, "Electronic Processes in Gases and Plasmas", 22nd International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Sydney 2000.

F. Gordillo-Vazquez and J.A. Kunc, "Statistical Calculations of Thermal Properties of Diatomic Gases", 24th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Warsaw, 1999.

J.A. Kunc, "Transport Phenomena of Particles Interacting through Multiple-force Potentials", 33rd Thermophysics Conference, Norfolk, 1999.

F. Gordillo-Vazquez and J.A. Kunc, "Semiclassical Analysis of the Tietz-Hua and Morse Model Potentials for Describing Properties of Diatomic Molecules", 21st International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Marseille, 1998.

F. Gordillo-Vazquez and J.A. Kunc, "High-accuracy Expressions for the Rotational-vibrational Energies of the O, N, NO and CO Molecules", 24th International Conference on Plasma Science, San Diego, 1997.

J.A. Kunc, "Description of Molecular Collisions in Monte-Carlo Simulations of Gas Non- equilibrium", 32nd Thermophysics Conference, Atlanta, 1997.

J.A. Kunc,"Physics of High-energy Flows", 27th Fluid Dynamics Conference, New Orleans, 1996.

J.A. Kunc, "Progress in Theoretical Studies of High-power Light Sources", 23rd International Conference on Plasma Sciences, Boston, 1996.

J.A. Kunc, Lecture Tour in the People's Republic of China by invitation of the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, 1996.

R. Holbrook, L.A. Kaledin and J.A. Kunc, "Enthalpies of Plasmas in High Power Light Sources", 22nd International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Hoboken, 1995.

R. Holbrook, J.A. Kunc and E.P.Muntz, "Iodine: A Superior Gas for Modeling High Energy Flows", 26th Fluid Dynamics, Plasma Dynamics and Laser Conference, San Diego, 1995.

J.A. Kunc, "Impact of Dissociation on Transport Properties of Diatomic Gases", 26th Fluid Dynamics, Plasma and Laser Conference, San Diego, 1995.

J.A. Kunc and S.H. Kang, "Energy Dependence of Vibration-translation Transitions in Collisions of Neutral Particles", 25th Fluid Dynamics, Plasma and Lasers Conference, Colorado Spring, 1994.

J.A. Kunc, "Viscosity of High-temperature Gases", 19th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Oxford 1994.

G.R. Shiflett, E.P. Muntz, D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, "Transient Energy Release in Pressure Driven Microdevices", ASME Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, 1992.

G. Van Diep, E.P. Muntz, D.P. Weaver, D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, "Measurement of Vibrational Population Distribution in a Free Jet Flow of Chemically Reacting Iodine Vapor", 18th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Vancouver, 1992.

E.P. Muntz, G. Van Diep, D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc "Measurement of Rotational Temperatures in a Freejet Flow of Chemically Reacting Iodine Vapor", 18th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Vancouver, 1992.

J.A. Kunc and W.H. Soon, "Analytical Cross Sections for Atom-Atom Inelastic Collisions", 18th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Vancouver, 1992.

J.A. Kunc, "Basic Kinetic Issues", 2nd Symposium on Parallel Computers and Non-equilibrium Flows, Pasadena, 1992.

G.C. Pham-Van-Diep, E.P. Muntz, D.P. Weaver, T.G. Dewitt, M.K. Bradley, D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc "An Iodine Hypersonic Wind Tunnel for the Study of Nonequilibrium Reacting Flows", 30th Aerospace Sciences Symposium, Reno, 1992.

J.A. Kunc and S.H. Kang, "Viscosity of Dissociating Gases", 27th Thermophysics Conference, Nashville, 1992.

E.P. Muntz, G. Van Diep, D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc "A Code Validation Strategy and Facility for Nonequilibrium Reacting Flows", 17th Aerospace Ground Testing Conference, Nashville, 1992.

J.A. Kunc, "Relaxation of Higher Vibrational States in Diatomic Gases", 23rd Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference, Nashville, 1992.

J.A. Kunc and W.H. Soon, "Ionizing Collisions of Heavy Particles", 22nd International Electric Propulsion Conference, Viareggio, 1991.

J.A. Kunc and W.H. Soon, "Cross Sections and Rate Coefficients for Inelastic Interactions of Heavy Particles", 22nd Fluid Dynamics, Plasma and Lasers Conference, Honolulu, 1991.

S.H. Kang, J.A. Kunc and E.P. Muntz, "Effect of the Rotational-Vibrational Excitation on Molecular Diameters", 22nd Fluid Dynamics, Plasma and Lasers Conference, Honolulu, 1991.

E.P. Muntz, G. Shiflett, D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc "Micro Heat Engines Based on Rapid Energy Releases in Small Closed Volumes", 44th APS Fluid Dynamics Symposium, Tempe, 1991.

J.A. Kunc, "Interaction of Rotationally and Vibrationally Excited Molecules", 3rd International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Cairo, 1990.

J.A. Kunc, "Energy Transfer in Collisions of Diatomics", 17th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Aachen, 1990.

W.H. Soon and J.A. Kunc, "Negative Ion Radiation in Partially-ionized Gases", 21th Fluid Dynamics, Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference, Seattle, 1990.

J.A. Kunc and W.H. Soon, "Kinetics of Metastable Atoms and Non-maxwellian Electrons in Two-temperature Plasmas", 21th Fluid Dynamics, Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, Seattle, 1990.

J.A. Kunc and E.P. Muntz, "Model Gases for the Detailed Analysis of Microscopic Chemical Non-equilibrium in Diatomic Gas Flows", 21th Fluid Dynamics, Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, Seattle, 1990.

W.H. Soon and J.A. Kunc, "The Negative Ions Emission in Nitrogen", 17th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Aachen, 1990.

J.A. Kunc and W.H. Soon, "Radiation of Hot Hydrogen Gas", 25th Joint Propulsion Conference, Monterey, 1989.

J.A. Kunc and W.H. Soon, "Collisional-Radiative Non-Equilibrium in High-Temperature Helium", 24th Thermophysics Conference, Buffalo, 1989.

J.A. Kunc, "Effect of Rotational and Vibrational Excitation on Interaction of Diatomic Molecules", 24th Thermophysics Conference, Buffalo, 1989.

H. Bauer, G. Kirkman, J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, "Modeling of the Discharge Plasma in a Back Lighted Thyratron", 7th International Conference on Pulsed Power, Monterey, 1989.

W.H. Soon and J.A. Kunc, "Radiation of Atomic Oxygen Plasma in Non-Equilibrium", 42nd APS Fluid Dynamics Symposium, Palo Alto, 1989.

D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, "Slowing Down of Charged Particles by Atoms, Ions and Molecules", 16th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Pasadena, 1988.

J.A. Kunc, "Distribution of Localized Electrons in Atoms and Ions", International Conference on Classical Dynamics in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Brioni, 1988.

J.A. Kunc and W.H. Soon, "Non-Equilibrium of High-Temperature Gases", 23rd Thermophysics Conference, San Antonio, 1988.

J.A. Kunc, "Review of Semi-Classical Approaches to Atomic and Molecular Interactions", 16th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Pasadena, 1988.

D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, "Stopping-power of Seawater for High-energy Charged Particles", NATO Advanced Study Institute Symposium, Sintra, 1987.

E.M. Muntz, J.A. Kunc and D.A. Erwin, "A Pulsed Electron-Photon Fluorescence Diagnostic Techniques for Temperature and Species Concentration Measurements at Points in Relatively Dense, Unseeded Air Flows", 22nd Thermophysics Conference, Honolulu, 1987.

J.A. Kunc, "Energy Relaxation of Surface Produced Electrons by Attached Plasma", Materials Research Society Symposium, Anaheim, 1987.

D.A. Erwin, J.A. Kunc, and M.A. Gundersen, "Electric Field and Electron Temperature in a Hydrogen Thyratron Plasma from Non-Intrusive Measurements", 13th International Conference on Plasma Science, Saskatoon, 1986.

J.A. Kunc, "Review of Microscopic Approaches to Plasmas in Non-equilibrium", Gordon Conference on Thermal Plasma Systems and Engineering, Concord, 1986.

M.A. Gundersen, R. DeWitt, A.K. Hyder, C.R. Jones, J.A. Kunc, M.J. Kushner, E.P. Muntz,, G. Shaefer and P.F. Williams, "Research Issues in Power Conditioning", 17th Power Modulator Symposium, Seattle, 1986.

C.G. Braun and J.A. Kunc, "Contribution of Atom-Atom Collisions in Weakly-Ionized Argon Plasmas", 39th International Conference on Gaseous Electronics, Madison, 1986.

M.A. Gundersen, J.A. Kunc, D.A. Erwin and C.G. Braun, "Fundamental Processes in High-Current Glow Discharge Switches", International Conference on Electronic Tubes, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 1986.

M.A. Gundersen, J.A. Kunc, D. Erwin and C. Braun, "Fundamental Processes in High-Current Switches", 5th International Pulsed Power Conference, Washington, D.C., 1985.

D.A Erwin, J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, "Intrinsic Limitations to Thyratron Currents", 5th International Pulsed Power Conference, Washington, D.C. 1985.

C. Braun, J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, "A Theoretical and Experimental Study of High-Current Discharges", 5th International Pulsed Power Conference, Washington D.C., 1985.

J.A. Kunc, "Differential Cross-Sections for Heavy-Particle Scatterings in the Interstellar Medium", Pioneer 10/11 Project Symposium, Chicago, 1985.

J.A. Kunc, "Tensorial Representation of Transport Phenomena in Plasmas with Arbitrary Temperature and Density", Pioneer 10/11 Project Symposium, Chicago, 1985.

J.A. Kunc, "Scattering of Hydrogen and Helium Atoms by Solid Surface: Monte-Carlo Approach to Determination of the Effective Interaction Potential", Pioneer 10/11 Project Symposium, Chicago, 1985.

J.A. Kunc, "Plasma Radiation Fundamentals", NATO Advanced Study Institute Symposium, Pitlochry, 1985.

C. Braun, J.A. Kunc, and M.A. Gundersen, "Radiative Processes in Argon Flow Discharges", NATO Advanced Study Institute Symposium, Pitlochry, 1985.

J.A. Kunc, "The Role of Neutral-Neutral Inelastic Collisions in a Low-temperature Plasma",38th International Conference on Gaseous Electronics, Monterey, 1985.

C. Braun and J.A. Kunc, "An Analytical Solution of the Three-level Model for Non-equilibrium Argon Plasmas", 38th International Conference on Gaseous Electronics, Monterey, 1985.

J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, "Molecular Dissociative Processes in the Production of Atomic Emission in a Non-Equilibrium Hydrogen Plasma", 11th International Conference on Plasma Science, St.  Louis, 1984.

J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, "Switches for Fusion and Laser Isotope Separation:  A Basic Approach", 13th International Conference on Quantum Electronics, Anaheim, 1984.

J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, "High-Voltage Diagnostics:  An Experimental and Theoretical Approach", NATO Advanced Study Institute Symposium, Castelvecchio, 1984.

J.A. Kunc, C. Braun, D. Erwin and M.A. Gundersen, "Gas Discharge Devices for High-Power Applications", 16th Power Modulator Symposium, Arlington, 1984.

J.A. Kunc, "Analytical Expressions for the Populations and Ionization Frequencies of Excited Atoms in Non-equilibrium Hydrogen Plasma", 37th International Conference on Gaseous Electronics, Boulder, 1984.

S. Guha, J.A. Kunc, C. Braun and M.A. Gundersen, "Metastable Quenching by Optical Pumping", 4th International Pulsed Power Conference, Albuquerque, 1983.

J.A. Kunc, S. Guha, C. Braun, D. Erwin and M.A. Gundersen, "Recent Thyratron Research", 4th International Pulsed Power Conference, Albuquerque, 1983.

J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, "A Theoretical Study of Steady-State Properties of a Hydrogen Discharge", 10th International Conference on Plasma Science, San Diego, 1983.

D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, "Efficiency of Some Collisional Processes in Hydrogen Discharges", 10th International Conference on Plasma Science, San Diego, 1983.

J.A. Kunc, S. Guha and M.A. Gundersen, "Fundamental Processes in Thyratrons", International Conference on Electronic Tubes, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 1983.

S.D. Askew and J.A. Kunc, "Contribution of "Cold" and "Superthermal" Electrons in Ionization of Interplanetary Helium and Hydrogen by Solar Wind", IUGG International Symposium on Solar Maximum Transitions, Hamburg, 1983.

J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, "Production of Electrons through Atomic Hydrogen Ionization in Partially Ionized Molecular Hydrogen", 36th International Conference on Gaseous Electronics, Albany, 1983.

J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, "High Voltage Diagnostics:  An Experimental and Theoretical Approach", NATO Meeting of Fast Optical and Electrical Diagnostics, 1983.

J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, "Formation of H+, H2+, and H3+ in a Molecular Hydrogen Plasma with High Ionization Degree", 36th International Conference on Gaseous Electronics, Albany, 1983.

S. Guha, J.A. Kunc, H. Cole and M.A. Gundersen, "Fundamental Processes in Hydrogen Thyratrons", 15th Power Modulator Symposium, Baltimore, 1982.

J.A. Kunc, S. Guha, H. Cole and M.A. Gundersen, "Plasma Processes in Hydrogen Thyratrons", 35th International Conference on Gaseous Electronics, Dallas, 1982.

J.A. Kunc, "Eigenoscillations of the Io Torus", AGU Symposium, San Francisco, 1981.

D.L. Judge and J.A. Kunc, "Charge Transfer Cross-Section for O+ O(S) Processes", DEAP Symposium, Los Angeles, 1980.

J.A. Kunc, "Binary-Encounter Collisional Ionization of (n,l) States of Hydrogen", 11th International Conference on Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Kyoto, 1979.

A. Kulicki and J.A. Kunc, "Behaviour of Self-Consistent Ionized Gas in External Fields", 11th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Cannes, 1978.

M. Gryzinski and J.A. Kunc, "Ionization by Maxwellian and Druyvesteynian Electrons", 11th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Cannes, 1978.

M. Gryzinski and J.A. Kunc, "K-shell Ionization Probability for the f-f Atomic Model", 10th International Conference on Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Paris, 1977.

M. Gryzinski and J.A. Kunc, "Free-Fall Cross-Section for K-shell Ionization by Heavy Particles", 9th International Conference on Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Seattle, 1975.

M. Gryzinski and J.A. Kunc, "Classical Theory of K-shell Ionization by Heavy Charged Particles", 6th Conference on Electronic and Atomic Collision Physics, Tbilisi, 1975.

M. Gryzinski, J.A. Kunc and M. Zgorzelski, "On the Model of the Hydrogen Atom on the Basis of Numerical Investigations of the Three-Body Problem", 6th Conference on Electronic and Atomic Collision Physics, Tbilisi, 1975.

J.A. Kunc and M. Zgorzelski, "Ionization and Recombination Rates for Optically Thin Alkali Plasmas", 7th International Symposium on Physics of Ionized Gases, Rovini, 1974.

J.A. Kunc and M. Zgorzelski, "The Influence of Partial Radiation Reabsorption on the Recombination Rate Constants in Hydrogen and Cesium Plasmas", 7th International Symposium on Physics of Ionized Gases, Rovini, 1974.

J. Bzowski, M. Gryzinski, J.A. Kunc and M. Zgorzelski, "Excitation of Hydrogen Atoms by Electron Impact", 8th International Conference on Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Beograd, 1973.

M. Gryzinski, J.A. Kunc and M. Zgorzelski, "Ionization of the Hydrogen Atom as the Classical Three-Body Problem", 5th Conference on Electron and Atom Collision Physics, Uzhorod, 1972.



Molecular Theory of Gases (with Dan Erwin, to be published).

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Thermochemistry, and Gas Dynamics, Booknook Publishing, 2020.

Advances in Pulsed Power Technology: Gas Discharge Closing Switches, Plenum Press, New York, 1990.

Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics: Rarefied Gas Dynamics-Space Related Studies, AIAA, Washington DC, 1989.



Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS).

Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).

Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

2017 National Engineers Council Award (for distinguished rocketry project).

2018 National Engineers Council Award (for advancement of space education).

Lord Foundation Award (2009).

J. Zumberg Innovation Award (2008).

Rose Hills Foundation Award (2007).

Undergraduate Research Associate Award (2007).

Innovative Undergraduate Teaching Award (2007).

Harvard/Smithsonian Research Scholarship (1991).

National Bureau of Standards Research Scholarship (1979).

Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarship (1978).

Chancellor Award for Research, Warsaw University of Technology (1976) .



Board of Regents of the Ohio State University System.

B.P. Wolfsdorf and Associates, Century City, California.

National Technical Systems, Los Angeles, California.

Physical Optics Corporation, Torrance, California.



Transient energy release micro-devices and methods (U.S. Patent No. 5,367,878).



                                            Courses taught:  

Fundamentals of Physics I - PHYS 151.

Fundamentals of Physics II - PHYS 152.

Introduction to Aerospace Engineering Analysis - AE 150.

Thermal and Statistical Systems I - ASTE 301a.

Thermal and Statistical Systems II - ASTE 301b.

Engineering Thermodynamics - ME 310.

Molecular Theory of Gases - AE 410.

Fundamental Processes in High-Temperature Gases - AE 486.

Physical Gas Dynamics I - ASTE 501a.

Physical Gas Dynamics II - ASTE 501b.

Partially-Ionized Plasmas - AE 586. 


                                   Publications with students

     (a)  Undergraduate students:

S.K. Kang and J.A. Kunc, "Molecular diameters in high-temperature gases", Journal of Physical Chemistry, 95, 6971 (1991).

S.K. Kang and J.A. Kunc, "Viscosity of hot iodine", Physical Review, A44, 4530 (1991).


     (b)  Graduate students:

D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, "Rate coefficients for some collisional processes in high-current hydrogen discharges", Plasma Science, 11, 266 (1983).

S. Guha, C. Braun, J.A. Kunc, and M.A. Gundersen, "Thyratron operation using helium for high-power applications", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 31, 992 (1984).

D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, "T- and x-dependence of electron transport coefficients in monatomic gases", Physics of Fluids, 28, 3349 (1985).

D.A. Erwin, J.A. Kunc and M.A. Gundersen, "Determination of electric field and electron temperature in the positive column of a high-power hydrogen thyratron from non-intrusive measurements", Applied Physics Letters, 48, 1727 (1986).

D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, "Scalar dc electrical conductivity of partially ionized gases", Computer Physics Communications, 42, 119 (1986).

C.G. Braun and J.A. Kunc, "Collisional-radiative coefficients from a three-level atomic model in non-equilibrium argon plasmas", Physics of Fluids, 30, 499 (1987).

D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, "Electron temperature and ionization degree dependence of the electrical conductivity in diatomic gases", Physics of Fluids, 30, 919 (1987).

C.G. Braun and J.A. Kunc, "An analytical solution of a collisional-radiative model for non-equilibrium argon plasmas", Physics of Fluids, 31, 671 (1988).

D.A. Erwin and J.A. Kunc, "Transport of low- and medium-energy electron and ion beams in seawater and its vapors", Physical Review, A38, 4135 (1988).

J.A. Kunc and W.H. Soon, "Collisional-radiative non-equilibrium in partially-ionized atomic nitrogen", Physical Review, A40, 5822 (1989).

C.G. Braun and J.A. Kunc, "Atom-atom inelastic collisions and three-body atomic recombination in weakly ionized argon plasmas", Physics of Fluids, B1, 258 (1989).

W.H. Soon and J.A. Kunc, "Thermal non-equilibrium in partially-ionized atomic oxygen", Physical Review, A41, 825 (1990).

W.H. Soon and J.A. Kunc, "The nitrogen plasma continuum emission associated with and ions", Physical Review, A41, 4531 (1990).

W.H. Soon and J.A. Kunc, "Radiation of partially ionized atomic hydrogen", Physics of Fluids, B2, 2833 (1990).

W.H. Soon and J.A. Kunc, "Kinetics and continuum emission of negative atomic ions in partially ionized plasmas", Physical Review, A43, 723 (1991).

J.A. Kunc and W.H. Soon, "Electron Boltzmann equation in nonthermal plasmas", Physical Review, A43, 4409 (1991).

J.A. Kunc and W.H. Soon, "Analytical ionization cross sections for atomic collisions", Journal of Chemical Physics, 95, 5738 (1991).

R. Holbrook, L.A. Kaledin and J.A. Kunc, "Partition functions of rare-earth halide plasmas", Physical Review, E47, 1285 (1993).

R. Holbrook and J.A. Kunc, "Impact of dissociation and ionization on properties of iodine vapor", Physics of Plasmas, 1, 1075 (1994).

F. G. Vazquez and J.A. Kunc, "Diagnostics of plasmas with substantial concentrations of atomic oxygen I", Physical Review, E51, 6010 (1995).

F. G. Vazquez and J.A. Kunc, "Diagnostics of plasmas with substantial concentrations of atomic oxygen - II", Physical Review, E52, 561 (1995).

L.A. Kaledin, R. Holbrook and J.A. Kunc, "Thermal composition of DyF-, HoF-, and TmF-based gases", Journal of Applied Physics, 83, 3499 (1998).


                                Students presentations at conferences

D. Erwin, "Efficiency of Some Collisional Processes in Hydrogen Discharges", 10th International Conference on Plasma Science, San Diego, 1983.

C. Braun, "An Analytical Solution of the Three-level Model for Non-equilibrium Argon Plasmas", 38th International Conference on Gaseous Electronics, Monterey, 1985.

C. Braun, "Contribution of Atom-Atom Collisions in Weakly-Ionized Argon Plasmas", 39th International Conference on Gaseous Electronics, Madison, 1986.

W. Soon, "Collisional-Radiative Non-Equilibrium in High-Temperature Helium", 24th Thermophysics Conference, Buffalo, 1989.

W. Soon, "The Negative Ions Emission in Nitrogen", 17th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Aachen, 1990.

R. Holbrook, "Iodine: A Superior Gas for Modeling High Energy Flows", 26th Fluid Dynamics, Plasma Dynamics and Laser Conference, San Diego, 1995.

R. Holbrook, "Enthalpies of Plasmas in High Power Light Sources", 22nd International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Hoboken, 1995.


                                       Students awards

W. Soon (1991 Rockwell Dennis Hunt Scholastic Award and Trophy, and 1989 Graduate Scholarship Award of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Science Society.

E. Walendowski (Ph.D. thesis was published as a book by McMillan Publishing Corporation).

S. Kang (1992 All-University Predoctoral Merit Fellowship).

R. Holbrook (1993 Outstanding Teaching Assistant).

F. Vazquez (1996 Spain National Postdoc Research Award.



Skiing, Scuba Diving. Open Water Certification of Professional Association of Diving Instructors. Lifeguard Instructor License. Sailing License – ASA 104. Motorboat License Class II. Ham Radio Operator Licensed by FCC - Call Sign KF6RRF.  Assistant Troop Master Boy Scouts of America, Troop 213.

Professional Activities

Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS).

Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).

Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

 State & Federal Advisory Group of California Space Grant Consortium (2009-14).

Organizing Committee of the SPIE Conference "Tribute to Emil Wolf; Legacy of Physical Optics", San Diego (2003).

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Panel (2003-04).

Reviewer of the Basic Science and Engineering Program of the National Research Council (2001-02).

Advisor to the Board of Regents of the Ohio State University System (1997).

Chairman of the Thermophysics Publications Committee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (1995-96,1996-97, elected).

Thermophysics Committee of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (1994-97).

International Advisory Board of the RGD Symposia (1994-2004, elected).

Visiting Scholar, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge (1991-92).

Committee on Liquid Phase Kinetics of the National Research Council (1985-86).

Visiting Scholar, Atomic and Plasma Radiation Division, National Bureau of Standards, Washington D.C. (1978-79).

Service to the University

Chair of the Engineering Faculty Council of the Viterbi School of Engineering (1994-95,1995-96,1999-00,2000-01,2013-14, elected).

Chair of the Committee for Revision of Bylaws of the Engineering Faculty Council (2013-14, elected).

Academic Senate (1992-93,1994-95,1995-96,1999-00,2000-01,2012-13,2013-14, elected).

Director of the PhD Program in the Astronautical Engineering Department (2006-2016).

Director of the USC Space Engineering Research Center (2006-10, 2010-14).

Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee of the School of Engineering (1992-94,2005-07,2007-09,2010-12, 2014-2016, 2017-18, elected).

Viterbi Panel at the USC Trustees Conference (2009).

University Committee on Classified Research (2007-08).

Engineering Faculty Council (2007-08, 2008-09, 2016-2017, elected).

Adjunct Faculty Appointment Committee (2007-2015).

Merit Review Committee of the Viterbi School of Engineering (2006-07, elected).

Designated Campus Director of California Space Grant Consortium (2006-2014).

Provost Search Committee for Dean of Viterbi School of Engineering (2005-06).

Engineering Faculty Council Committee for Dean Evaluation (2004-05, elected).

Provost's Committee of Faculty Search Liaisons (2004-06).

Provost's Task Force on Science and Engineering Libraries (2003-04).

Elected to Faculty Council of the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences (2002).

School of Engineering Search Committee for Chair of the AME Department (2002-03).

School of Engineering Advisory Committee for System Architecture Program (2002-04).

Transition Team for New Administration of the School of Engineering (2001).

Selection Committee for Director of Distance Education Network (2001).

Provost Search Committee for Director of Science Libraries (2000-01).

Provost Search Committee for Dean of School of Engineering (2000-01).

Provost's Distinguished Visitor Selection Committee (1999-2000).

Provost/Senate Task Force on Sabbatical Policy (1999-2000, elected).

Mentor to Presidential Merit and Honors students (1998-2016).

President's Staff Achievement Award Panel (1997-98).

Provost/Academic Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure Policy (1997-98, 1998-99).

Provost/Academic Senate Panel on Relations of Faculty Councils with Deans (1995-96, elected).

Nominating Committee of the Executive Board of the Academic Senate (1995-96, 2000-01, elected).

Executive Committee of the Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee of the School of Engineering (1993-94, elected).

Engineering Junior and Senior Faculty Research Awards Committee (1993-94).

Vice-Chair of the Faculty Council of the School of Engineering (1993-94, elected).

Committee for Amendment of the Bylaws of the Engineering Faculty Council (1992-93, 2013-14, elected).

Dean Search Committee for Chair of AME Department (1991-92, elected).

USC President's Commission on Undergraduate Education (1990-92).

Graduate School Student Affairs Committee (1988-90).

Powell Foundation Fellowship Committee (1988).

Published on April 10th, 2017Last updated on February 4th, 2025