M.S. Program

M.S. in Astronautical Engineering


The Master of Science in Astronautical Engineering is designed for those with B.S. degrees in science and engineering who desire to work in the space sector of the aerospace industry, government research and development centers, and laboratories. In some cases, the applicant may be required to take 1 or 2 deficiency courses (upper-division undergraduate courses). The decision to require deficiency courses is made by the astronautics program coordinators.

Most classes for the M.S. are available through the USC Distance Education Network (DEN).

Admission to the M.S. program requires the general portion of the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) and two letters of recommendation. However, the GRE requirement has been waived for the AY 2024-2025 admissions cycle. 

Answers to frequently-asked questions can be found here.

Degree Requirements

The M.S. degree requires completion of 27 units satisfying the requirements below.  At least 21 units must be at the 500 or 600 level.

If the M.S. degree is earned as part of the Progressive Degree Program (PDP), only 21 units are required.  All requirements below apply to the PDP except the technical elective requirement.

The general requirements for M.S. degrees in engineering can be found in the appropriate section of the USC Catalogue. For a complete list of required courses, please see the USC Catalogue for the Astronautical Engineering M.S.

M.S. Program Overview

Published on April 6th, 2017Last updated on September 19th, 2024