Engineer Program
Engineer in Astronautical Engineering
Requirements for the Engineer in Astronautical Engineering degree are the same as the Viterbi School of Engineering's general requirements.
The Engineer degree is awarded under the jurisdiction of the Viterbi School of Engineering. This degree is granted upon completion of a comprehensive curriculum beyond the general course requirements for the Master of Science and after successfully passing an engineer's qualifying examination.
The required curriculum is intended to give students broad preparation in two areas of engineering, together with a minimum number of units in these areas to prepare them for the interdisciplinary nature of the many complex problems they will encounter in practice today. The degree is also intended to fulfill a growing need in industry for students with comprehensive advanced engineering training, but not necessarily with the research orientation developed by Ph.D. students.
The Engineer degree is a terminal degree. Students who complete the Engineer degree will not be considered for admission to the Ph.D. program.
Degree Requirements
The Engineer degree requires a minimum of 30 units of graduate course work beyond the Master of Science degree; up to 6 units at the 400 level may be counted at the discretion of the student's qualifying exam committee if the committee finds them necessary for the student's program.
The course work must form a balanced program of study leading to a definite concentration in two fields of engineering, a minimum of 12 units in one field, nine in another.
Nine units are elective and may be taken outside of the Viterbi School of Engineering, but must be acceptable for graduate credit. The distribution of course work will be governed by the student's qualifying exam committee and should be considered in conjunction with the course work done for the Master of Science degree.